pork exports / carne suína

Brazilian Pork Exports Generate $176 Million in August as Domestic Hog Prices Rise

Sep, 02, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202436

According to a study by Safras & Mercado, Brazil’s live hog market saw significant price increases between July 31 and August 28. The average price in the Center-South region rose 10.39%, from R$ 6.86 to R$ 7.57 per kilo, reflecting a R$ 0.71 increase.

Brazil’s fresh pork exports brought in $176.579 million in August, with a daily average of $10.387 million. The total exported quantity was 72,650 metric tons, with a daily average of 4,273 metric tons. The average price was $2,430.50 per ton.

According to data released by the Foreign Trade Secretariat, the average daily revenue increased by 0.5%, the average daily quantity decreased by 1.6%, and the average price rose by 2.2% compared to August 2023.

The chart below builds on DataLiner-derived data to explore Brazilian exports of pork between January 2021 and July 2024. Readers may request a demo using the link below.

Pork Exports from Brazil | Jan 2021 – Jul 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

This positive outlook highlights the strategic role of exports for Brazil’s pork industry, which continues to face challenges and opportunities in both domestic and international markets.

Source: Agrimídia

Click here to access the original reporting: https://www.agrimidia.com.br/negocios/economia/exportacao/suinocultura-brasileira-registra-expressivas-altas-em-agosto-com-exportacoes/

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