pork exports / carne suína

Brazilian pork sample tests positive for Covid-19 in Yuhuan, China

Dec, 06, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202050

According to the Chinese state agency Xinhua, officials in the city of Yuhuan, in eastern China’s Zhejiang Province, reported that a sample of pork imported from Brazil tested positive for Covid 19. The sample was taken from a batch of frozen pork that entered China through the Yangshan port in Shanghai on September 28, and the problem was identified with the help of a tracking system aimed at cold chain foods based on blockchain.

After the positive results for the presence of Covid-19 in the tests with the sample collected from a pork stall in a market in Yuhuan, the local authorities sealed the meat, disinfected the market and its surroundings, and quarantined 55 people who came into direct contact with the product.

The results of the nucleic acid tests of all people who had contact with the product were negative. Thirty food and environment samples taken from the market also tested negative.

The Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) reported that it has not officially received information about the occurrence reported by the Yuhuan authorities.

China has intensified the control of imported foods because of Covid-19. In this context, export blocks for units of companies from different countries have been common for a period of one week.

Source: Valor Econômico

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