Ports and Terminals

Brazilian ports continue operations as they analyze the next steps

Mar, 19, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202013

Brazil’s port terminals are reported to be strengthening security measures against the coronavirus without resorting to stopping operations. However, there are already concerns about possible logistical bottlenecks. According to reports, the primary concern is the possible need to dismiss employees. Industry officials and executives say there is no forecast for any terminal shutdown, as was the case in China. The measures adopted have been for administrative staff to work from home, release employees in risk groups and expand precautionary measures.

But in the last few days, the stevedores at Santos have threatened to strike. This was averted by a meeting between the port authority, representatives of companies and unions. Another concern is the need for inspection agencies such as the Federal Revenue Service, the Ministry of Agriculture or the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), to verify and release imports. According to a company executive that operates terminals and who spoke anonamously, the fear is that there will be a huge delay. For now the inpsection process is proceeding normally, but there is already a reduction in the number of inspecting personnel.

Source: Valor Econômico

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