Ports and Terminals

Brazilian Revenue Service, Federal Police bust 882 kg of cocaine in Santos Port

Jul, 03, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

Brazil’s IRS and Federal Police thwarted an attempt to send 882 kilos of cocaine abroad. The bust occurred at the Port of Santos, the largest in South America, on Tuesday (2). The drug was hidden in a container laden with sugar. According to the agency, this was the largest narcotics seizure that occurred in Santos this year.

The Revenue Service reported that the cocaine was stored in one of 25 containers bound for Guinea, West Africa, with 667 tonnes of sugar. Before arriving in Guinea, the containers were scheduled to transfer at the Port of Antwerp in Belgium.

The cocaine was concealed in 20 raffia (polyethylene) bags inside one of the containers, making inspection more difficult.

The drugs were intercepted during routine customs surveillance activities performed by Santos Customs.

After confirming the contamination, the Federal Police was called to conduct due legal measures and to assess the scene to initiate a police investigation.

Cargo Selection

According to the agency, the cargoes selected for inspection are chosen based on objective risk management and analysis criteria, along with non-invasive scanning.

Such measures aim to ensure the agility of foreign trade operations while curbing illicit customs practices in the Santos port complex.

Another common action is the participation of sniffer dogs. During the operation, the Santos Customs dog identified the presence of drugs.

Source: G1

Click here to access the original text: https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2024/07/02/receita-e-policia-federal-apreendem-882-kg-de-cocaina-no-porto-de-santos.ghtml

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