
Brazilian soybean exports up 16% in May and surpass 50 million tons in the year

Jun, 04, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202124

Brazilian soybean exports reached 16.4 million tons in May, up 16.3% over the same period in 2020, according to data released on May 1st by SECEX ((the Ministry of Finance’s foreign trade secretariat).

The shipment pace recorded during the first three weeks of the month indicated the possibility of a new monthly record, but the daily sales average cooled to 781,110 tons, and the volume in May was below the current record of 17.38 million tons set in April this year.

The graph below was compiled using DataLiner data and shows the history of Brazilian soybean exports since 2018:

Brazilian Soy Exports (HS 1201) | Jan 2018 to April 2021 | WTMT

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


Last week, ANEC (the national association of cereal exporters), which also foresaw a record May in the middle of the month, backtracked and reduced its export forecast for the oilseed, based on data from the shipping schedule.

On June 1st, ANEC announced that May soybean shipments totaled 14.41 million tons, compared to 13.86 million in the same period of the previous year. Compared to April, however, there was a drop of 8%.

The association’s data consider the volumes exported, while SECEX’s figures consider the shipment records, which explains the difference between the numbers.


Source: Forbes

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