
Brazilian trade balance at US$1.3 billion surplus in third week of August

Aug, 24, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202034

Data was released on Monday, August 24, by the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the Economy Ministry, showing that the Brazilian trade balance registered a US$1.309 billion surplus and a trade flow of US$7.355 billion in the third week of August 2020 – with five working days – as a result of exports worth US$4.332 billion and imports of US$3.023 billion.

In the year, exports totaled US$134.008 billion and imports, US$99.096 billion, with a positive balance of US$34.911 billion and a trade flow of US$233.104 billion.

On the export side, there was a 2.2% year on year decrease in the daily average until the third week of August (US$874.39 million).  This was caused by a fall in mining industry sales (-17.8%) and in manufacturing (-4.3%). On the other hand, there was an increase in agricultural exports (+ 25.0%).

On the import side, the daily average until the third week of August 2020 (US$545.99 million) was down 22.9% year-on-year, caused mainly by a fall in manufacturing products received (-21.8%) and the mining sector (-51.3%). Agricultural imports rose slightly during the period comparison (2.1%).



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