trade balance / balança comercial

Brazilian trade balance surplus drops to USD 1.24bn in the 1st week of August

Aug, 08, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202232

Brazil registered a surplus of US$ 1.24 billion in the trade balance in the first week of August. Despite the positive result, it represents a 29% drop in the trade balance compared to the same period of the previous year.

The Ministry of Economy released the figures on Monday, August 8. The trade flow serves as a thermometer for Brazilian economic activity.

In the first week of August, the country exported US$ 7.24 billion, with a growth of 17.1% compared to the same week in 2021. Imports, on the other hand, were worth US$ 6.01 billion, up 35.2%. Thus, the Brazilian trade flow grew 24.7%, reaching US$ 13.25 billion.

In the period from January to the first week of August, imports totaled US$ 160.37 billion, up 30.5% in comparison with the same period of the previous year.

The value of exports totaled US$ 201.49 billion, an increase of 18.8%. Thus, in the year-to-date result, the trade balance from January to August showed a surplus of US$ 41.13 billion, a drop of 12% year on year.

Trade flow

Also, according to data from the Ministry of Economy,  from January to July 2022, Brazil exported US$ 194 billion, while imports equaled US$ 154.328 billion, totaling a trade flow of US$ 348.4 billion.

Agriculture was the economic sector that gained the most exports from January to July of 2022, with a 40.2 percent growth totaling US$ 6.72 billion shipped. The manufacturing industry was next, increasing 33.2%. In terms of imports, Brazil increased by 41.6%, hitting US$ 24.51 billion imported.

Source: CNN

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