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Brazilians drank 24% more Chilean wine in 2020

Mar, 15, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202111

A report by ProChile, an institution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, found an increase in exports to Brazil of wine and some foods in 2020, especially red or white wine. In 2020, there was a 24% increase compared to 2019, reaching a total of US$ 185 million dollars.

Chilean hazelnuts were also in high demand in Brazil. Sales jumped from US$ 1.32 million to US$ 10.43 million compared to 2019, which represents an increase of 690%. “Chilean exports of this product have increased in recent years due to the quality of the product and the proximity of the local market”, analyzes María Julia Riquelme, commercial director of ProChile Brasil.

The prune drove fruit exports, registering an export volume of US$ 6.12 million in 2020 versus US$ 2.83 million in 2019, an increase of 116%. Fresh apples represented sales of US $ 36.81 million, an increase of 111% compared to the previous year, and fresh kiwi exports reached US$ 17.35 million, an increase of 17%.

Onions and garlic were also in high demand. The export volume of the Chilean onion reached US$ 8.65 million versus US$ 5.78 million the previous year, an increase of 50%. Garlic recorded the largest growth in the last five years with sales of US$ 8.77 million versus US$ 3.58 million in 2019. Pork meat also increased the export volume, totaling US$ 4.03 million.

Food exports from Chile to Brazil in 2020

* (million US $)

Product          2019     2020      %
Hazelnut          1.32   10.43     690%
Fresh garlic     3.58     8.77     145%
Prunes             2.83     6.12     116%
Fresh apple    17.45   36.81     111%
Onion               5.78     8.65      50%
Fresh kiwi      14.80    17.35     17%
Pork                 3.74      4.09       8%

Source: ProChile

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