Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s Amazon Arc ports record 31 million tonnes in May this year

Jul, 20, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202330

The Brazilian port sector posted strong growth in May, with a throughput of 113.2 million tonnes, up 10.43% from May 2022. This is the sector’s second consecutive month of growth, which has seen a 4.4% increase in throughput year-to-date.

The movement of iron ore, soybeans, and oil drove the growth. The ports of the Amazon Arc, located in the states of Roraima, Amazonas, Pará, Amapá, and Maranhão, were particularly strong, with a throughput of 135.1 million tonnes in the first five months of the year.

The president of the Association of Port Terminals and Cargo Transshipment Stations of the Amazon Basin (Amport), Flávio Acatauassú, attributed the growth to the increasing use of waterway routes.

“Waterway transport has 29 times higher energy efficiency than road transport and consumes 19 times less fuel. In addition, it emits six times less carbon dioxide than the road mode,” said Acatauassú. “This growth is a natural movement, which we see with very good eyes because it promotes growth for the country and the Amazon region in a sustainable way.”

Private Use Terminals

The Private Use Terminals (TUPs) also saw strong growth in May, with a throughput of 72.74 million tonnes, up 10.11% from May 2022. The TUPs in Vila do Conde, PA, were the standout performers, with a throughput of more than 2.5 million tonnes, up 25.9% from May 2022.

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