Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s Antaq approves public consultation for new terminal in Santana

Jun, 20, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202324

The board of the National Agency for Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) has announced the opening of a public hearing and consultation process to gather contributions, subsidies, and suggestions for improving studies related to the leasing of the port facility known as MCP03, located in the Organized Port of Santana in Amapá. This decision was made during the Ordinary Board Meeting on Thursday (15).

Director Alber Vasconcelos, the rapporteur of the process, stated that the terminal will be designated for the handling and storage of solid vegetable bulk cargo, with a particular focus on soy and corn. In his report, he provided details about the funds allocated for the terminal.

“It is estimated that approximately BRL 89 million will be invested in the brownfield area of 11,680 m², with BRL 20 million allocated for infrastructure improvements. The terminal will have a dynamic handling capacity of one million tonnes,” he explained.

The specific period for contributions will be determined and announced in the Official Gazette (DOU) in the coming days.

Private Terminals

During the Antaq meeting, the board also approved constructing and operating a Private Use Terminal (TUP) in Acará. This terminal is intended for handling and storing liquid bulk, specifically petroleum products.

The project, located on approximately 45,175 m² of land, is estimated to handle 120,000 m³/year with a static storage capacity of 1,972 m³. The winner of the tender will invest over R$ 18 million for its implementation, as explained by Director Flávia Takafashi, the rapporteur for the process.

An authorization request for the construction and operation of a TUP in the municipality of Corumbá was also approved. Director Lima Filho, the rapporteur for this process, stated that the authorized company plans to invest R$ 128 million in an area of approximately 1 million m², which will be used for iron and manganese ore operations.

Support assets

The board of directors of Antaq has approved the request of ERAM ESTALEIRO RIO AMAZONAS LTDA’s proposal to establish a support infrastructure for water transport. The designated area, spanning 60.56 hectares, is on the Right Bank of the Tarumã River (AM). It will be exclusively utilized for naval construction and/or repair purposes. Director Caio Farias served as the rapporteur for this process.

Moreover, the Term of Operation Release (TLO) for “Porto Murucupi,” a Private Use Terminal (TUP) situated in the municipality of Barcarena, was issued. This authorization enables IMERYS RIO CAPIM CAULIM S.A. to initiate full-scale operations to handle solid bulk at the port.

However, it is essential to note that the authorization does not exempt the company from complying with safety standards required by relevant entities, including the Brazilian Navy, the Fire Department, and the Environmental Agency.

Source: Informativo dos Portos

To read the original news report, see:  https://www.informativodosportos.com.br/aprovada-abertura-de-consulta-publica-para-terminal-em-santana/

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