Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s Aracruz to Benefit from New Imetame Logística Port Complex

Jul, 26, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202430

The city of Aracruz in Espírito Santo is set to benefit from a significant new port complex designed to accommodate large vessels, which are essential for exporting grains, particularly to the Asian market. On Thursday (25), Minister of Ports and Airports Silvio Costa Filho announced R$2.7 billion in investments for the construction of the Imetame Logística Port. This project will feature a Private Terminal Complex with its own administration, including terminals for containers, grains, general cargo, and liquid bulk.

These investments are part of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), which leverages public and private resources and public-private partnerships (PPP). Ports play a strategic role in Brazil’s trade relations, and the New PAC focuses on enhancing port competitiveness through maintenance, capacity expansion, and reducing urban interference in port areas.

With a draft of 17 meters and ample maneuvering space, the terminal will be equipped to receive the largest ships in the world. The inauguration is scheduled for mid-2025. The demand for port capacity and modern logistics solutions in the region has been growing, driven by industrial activity and trade in Espírito Santo, as well as by the growth of agriculture, livestock, and agribusiness in Brazil’s Mid-West and Minas Gerais, which are part of the Imetame Logística Port’s area of direct influence.

Minister Silvio Costa Filho emphasized the terminal’s capacity to receive large ships, highlighting its importance for job creation and income generation. “I always say that the major social programs in Brazil are employment and income. During the peak of the port’s construction, 650 direct jobs and another 300 indirect jobs are expected,” he stated, underscoring the complex’s economic significance for the state.

Alex Ávila, National Ports Secretary, highlighted the port’s strategic importance for grain exports. “It is a fantastic project with great potential, involving investments of R$2.7 billion, which could increase to R$4 billion. Given the region’s strategic location, this project will certainly help strengthen the port sector, expand capacity, and improve service levels. This is exactly what we need to keep our sector growing,” he said.

The partial infrastructure of the Imetame Port is expected to begin operations in the second half of 2025, with the official inauguration scheduled for the second half of 2026. In its first year of operation, the port is projected to handle 80,000 containers and 500,000 tons of general cargo.

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