Brazil’s egg exports jump 20% from August to September
Oct, 16, 2024 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202440
Egg prices, which had been declining since April, rebounded significantly last week across most regions of Brazil monitored by Cepea.
According to the research center, the price surge was driven by a reduced supply of extra-grade eggs and a recovery in demand.
Cepea analysts noted that the culling of older laying hens contributed to the drop in domestic supply of extra-grade eggs, which had been elevated in recent months.
On the demand side, the early stocking of shipments ahead of the Our Lady of Aparecida holiday boosted market liquidity, pushing prices higher.
Brazil’s egg exports, including fresh and processed products, also increased 20% from August to September, reaching 1,485 tonnes last month, according to Secex data.
Source: O Presente Rural
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