Fertilizer Spraying
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Brazil’s fertilizer imports continue to rise

Feb, 01, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201906

2018 was a better year than expected for the fertilizer industry, following the truckers strike and associated impact on freight rates. In the last quarter of the year, the sector imported 8.7m tons, up 22% year-on-year. Brazil’s demands for fertilizer look set to continue into 2019 – the “safrinha” (second harvest) will consume a large volume. In 2018 agricultural revenues grew 3.5-4% YoY a direct result of China’s massive purchase of soybeans in the wake of the trade war, increasing demand for fertilizer.

Government data from Secex shows Brazil’s fertilizer (HS 31) import expenditures were US$8.62bn last year, up 17.62% compared to US$7.33bn in 2017. According to Secex data, the country bought 29.54m tons of the commodity in 2018, including road imports, up 3.3% from the year before, at 28.597m tons. Figures from Siacesp (Fertilizer Union) and Anda (National Association of Fertilizer Distributors) are lower, at 27.7m tons.

DataLiner shows Brazil’s leading fertilizer (HS 3105) importing port, Paranagúa, has once again snatched the top position from Santos in 2018, at 2.508m tons. The Port of Santos saw a large drop in the import of fertilizer last year, at 1m tons, down 61.15% YoY. 

Brazil’s fertilizer exports are expected to receed this year. DataLiner shows the country’s trade deficit trend of fertilizer (HS 3105), as follows: 

DataLiner also shows that the US remained Brazil’s top import origin, even though it had a slower year in 2018.





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