Trade Regulations

Brazil’s Foreign Trade flows register US $ 5.864 billion during third week of 2020

Jan, 22, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202004

Data released by Brazil’s Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), part of the Ministry of the Economy on January 20th, shows total foreign trade values reached US $ 5.864 billion in the third week of January.

Exports totaled US $ 2.524 billion, while imports reached US $ 3.340 billion. As a result, an US $ 816 million deficit was registered. In the accumulated result for the month, total trade reached US $ 16.760 billion, with US $ 8.847 billion in exports and US $ 7.913 billion in imports. The result represents a surplus of US $ 934 million.

Check out the full trade balance data below:

According to the data published, average exports in the third week reached US $ 504.8 million. This is 44.1% below the average of US $ 903.3 million registered up to the second week. This is due to a decrease in sales in three product categories. Semi-manufactured products fell 49.1%, from US $ 141.5 million to US $ 72 million. The drivers were semi-manufactured products made of iron or steel, cellulose, gold in semi-manufactured forms, leather and hides, and ferro-alloys.

In the basic segment, the fall was 43.3%, from US $ 453.7 million to US $ 257.3 million,. The main drivers were iron ore, crude oil, crude cotton, beef, pork and chicken, iron ore. copper. In manufactured products, the decrease registered was 43%, from US $ 308.1 million to US $ 175.5 million. The main drivers were airplanes, acyclic alcohols and their halogenated derivatives, fuel oils, earthmoving machinery and equipment, aluminum oxides and hydroxides.

On the other hand, imports rose by 2.2% in the same comparison. The third week average reached US $ 668 million, higher than the average up to the second week, which was at US $ 653.4 million. The increase is mainly due to the increase in spending on fuels and lubricants, pharmaceuticals, copper and its works, beverages and alcohol, as well as steel.

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