
Brazil’s Inland Revenue modernizes transit cargo instructions

Jan, 26, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202005

Brazil’s Inland Revenue division has announced some measures that will improve customs procedures for cargoes in transit within Brazil. For example, cargoes moving from a sea port to a ‘dry’ port in the interior of the country. Or cargoes that are simply moving through Brazil but have origin and destination outside Brazil.

The measures aim to bring efficiency to Brazil’s foreign trade processes, reducing costs and time taken on importing procedures. Some of the main measures adopted include:

– The creation of a functionality to allow documents to be attached electronically with the Customs Transit Declaration (DTA), eliminating the need to submit papers.

– New functionality for customs authorities to receive documents via the system.

– Integration of the Portal Siscomex and Siscomex Transito systems, allowing the DTA to be linked with the scanned documents (linking the DTA with the dossier containing the documentation).

– Guidance provided to stakeholders via the Customs Transit Manual on the government’s website. Especially on topics related to the document attachment functionality and details of the new procedures.

– Publication of Normative Instruction RFB nº 1.918, which brings adjustments to the text of IN SRF nº 248/2002. The latter regulates customs transit rules, and the normative instruction provides the legal adjustment necessary.

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