Live Cattle Exports

Brazil’s live cattle exports jump 55.4% in January

Feb, 15, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201908

Brazil recorded an increase of 55.4% in live cattle exports to 37,550 head in January, compared to the same month last year, according to data from Secex. January shipments fetched US$22.6m in export revenues. However, the volume shipped was 5.7% lower than that of December.

Last week DatamarNews reported Brazil’s live cattle exports reached 790,000 head in 2018, up from 407,000 the previous year.

Among the top destinations, Egypt stood out, at 16,900 head of cattle in January. After opening the market to Brazil, Iraq took the next spot importing 10,000 head of cattle; followed by Turkey with 7,800 and Jordan with 2,700 head. Malaysia also opened their market to Brazil in January.

The following DataLiner graph shows Brazil’s 10-year live cattle export trends to the top destinations against the total: 



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