Brazil’s meatpacker ‘Redentor’ challenged with ban to its export license
Aug, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202232
China decided to ban the export license of the Brazilian meatpacker ‘Redentor’ in Guarantã do Norte in the state of Mato Grosso. The company belongs to the Bihl Group. The suspension has been in effect since the 9th, according to information from China’s General Administration of Customs (GACC).
A note on the agency’s website does not clarify the reasons behind this suspension, nor until when purchases will be embargoed. The GACC also suspended imports of plants from Ireland, Mexico, and Thailand.
In the Ministry of Agriculture’s system, it appears that Frigorífico Redentor (SIF 411) had its export license to China suspended as of July 28 this year.
News published in the Mato Grosso press earlier this year stated that slaughter was suspended at the unit due to the low supply of animals in the region. There are records of protests by ranchers who pressed the slaughterhouse to pay alleged debts.
In the Ministry of Agriculture list, another six Brazilian meatpackers face a ban on their export license to China. The Xaxim unit in Santa Catarina, owned by Cooperativa Aurora, has been embargoed since August 2020 for poultry. The BRF unit at Lucas do Rio Verde (MT), the Bello Alimentos plant at Itaquiraí (MS), and the São Salvador one at Itaberaí (GO) are also prevented from selling chicken to the Chinese.
Masterboi, from São Geraldo do Araguaia (PA), had its beef shipments suspended in April. Marfrig’s plant in Marau (RS) continues with the suspension of exporting poultry meat. The longest-running embargo – also for fresh chicken – has been placed at the Minuano unit, in Lajeado (RS), since June 2020.
Source: Valor Econômico
To read the full original article, please go to: https://valor.globo.com/agronegocios/noticia/2022/08/09/china-barra-carne-bovina-do-frigorfico-redentor.ghtml
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