Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s Porto Sudeste Breaks Iron Ore Handling Record

Jan, 04, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202401

In February 2023, Brazil’s Porto Sudeste anticipated surpassing 20 million tons in cargo throughput. However, the Porto Sudeste terminal set a record for iron ore movement, exceeding 26 million tons for the year. This accomplishment involved unloading over 1,840 trains and docking 155 ships.

Robson Maia, Operations Manager for solid bulk cargo and a native of Itaguaí expressed, “From 2022 until now, we’ve gone from handling 17 million tons per year to almost 26 million. This means steady progress, solidifying Porto Sudeste’s growth as a logistical solution in the country. Being part of this evolution and witnessing it take shape is thrilling and emblematic.”

The achievement is the result of investments in port improvements, such as the approval of the new draught granted in April by the Brazilian Navy, increasing it from 17.80 to 18.30 meters. This represents the maximum depth to which ships can be submerged when entering and leaving the port terminal. The additional 50 centimeters allow for an increased load of up to 30,000 tons per ship.

The vessel Golden Amreen from the Marshall Islands, leaving Porto Sudeste on April 19, was the first to depart with six thousand additional tons of iron ore compared to Capesize-class ships. The change also enhanced navigation safety and reduced the time ships spent entering and leaving the terminal.

The chart below breaks down monthly exports of iron ore from the Port of Itaguaí between Jan 2019 and Nov 2023. The data is from DataLiner.

Iron Ore Exports from Itaguaí | Jan 2019 – Nov 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Ulisses Oliveira, Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Porto Sudeste, commented, “We are very pleased with all the results achieved. They were made possible because we have a team of professionals who believe in and invest in sustainable growth and citizenship. We will continue our commitment to work for the region’s development, ensuring that our company is always an extension of our community.”

Source: O Dia

Click here to view the original text in Portuguese: https://odia.ig.com.br/itaguai/2024/01/6768533-porto-sudeste-bate-recorde-de-movimentacao-de-minerio-de-ferro.html

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