
Brazil’s rural credit to reach R$176bn in 2018/19 season

Jul, 12, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201929

The application of rural credit resources, corresponding to the closing of the 2018/2019 harvest, between July 2018 and June 2019, totaled R$176bn. This disbursement represents an increase of 4% compared to the amount applied in the same period of the previous harvest (R$169.5bn).

The figures are part of the Agricultural Finance Balance of the 2018/2019 harvest, released last Thursday (07/11) by the Agricultural Policy Secretariat (SPA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, based on data from the Rural Credit Operations System and of the Program of Guarantee of Agricultural Activity (Proagro), of the Central Bank.

The contracting of rural credit for funding totaled R$99bn (+7%), of which R$19.9bn (+24%) were achieved through medium producers (Pronamp).

For investments, disbursements reached R$43.63bn, a 9% increase compared to the values ​​applied in the previous harvest, with emphasis on the investment programs carried out by the National Development Bank (BNDES) with an increase of 18%, that is, R$15bn invested.

Among the highlights in the investment programs are the Moderfrota, for acquisition of machinery and agricultural implements (R$8.8bn – 17%); Moderagro, for projects of modernization and expansion of productivity in the agricultural sectors (R$857m – 26%); PCA, for the construction and expansion of warehouses (R$1.1bn – 25%); and Prodecoop, for the cooperatives to invest in the modernization of production and marketing systems (R$1.36bn – 159%).

Among the resources in evidence in non-controlled sources are the Agribusiness Credit Letters (LCA’s), whose investments increased from R$24bn to R$29bn.

Source: Ministério da Agricultura

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