Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s São Francisco do Sul Port maintains trade ties with 41 countries, 5 continents

Sep, 28, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202339

Asian countries are the main trading partners of the Port of São Francisco do Sul, accounting for 62% of all cargo operations. Soybeans and corn are the main exports to this continent, while steel and fertilizers stand out among imports. The remaining goods are traded within South America (18%), North America (10%), Europe (8%), Africa (2%), and Oceania (0.1%).

These details are featured in the Sustainability Report of the Port of São Francisco, produced every year, providing comprehensive information on the port authority’s activities, including cargo movements, trade partnerships, environmental programs, and financial statements.

According to the 69-page document, with an average annual throughput of 13 million tonnes, São Francisco do Sul is responsible for half of all cargo passing through ports in Santa Catarina. The majority comprises grains (65%), followed by steel and wood (34%) and soybean oil (1%).

The report reveals that São Francisco ranks 5th among Brazil’s 35 public ports in the Environmental Development Index (IDA), scoring 96.95 out of 100. This recognition was granted by the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) after evaluating the 17 environmental programs adopted by the port to protect Babitonga Bay’s natural environment. The bay is an ecological sanctuary and habitat for endangered species such as the grouper, the gray dolphin, and the toninha. In addition to controlling marine species in the estuary, there are programs to monitor water quality, fish quality, and solid waste, among others.

“The Sustainability Report is a kind of X-ray of the Port. Those who read it can get an idea of the magnitude of the port complex,” emphasizes President Cleverton Vieira, reaffirming that the document reflects the commitment to transparency, the environment, and corruption prevention. The report also includes the “Code of Conduct and Integrity,” based on the company’s values, to guide personal and professional behavior in relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, and society.

It’s worth noting that the Port of São Francisco do Sul holds ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) certifications, enabling its entry into the exclusive group of certified public ports.

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