Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s TCP announces final phase of operating draft expansion

Aug, 02, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202231

TCP, the company that manages the Container Terminal in Paranaguá, Paraná state, increased its berth draft from 12.3 to 13 meters. Approved by the Administration of the Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina, by the Brazilian Navy, and by pilotage, the new draft will provide safer operating conditions for entry and exit from the terminal.

Consequently, this increase directly impacts the terminal, which shall benefit from the rise in the number of containers handled per ship, the increase in the number of calls, and more loading space for shipments.

The following steps seek to expand the capacity of the main access channel. Now, TCP is ready to complete the demolition works being carried out by the port authority to enable the expansion of the navigation draft in Paranaguá and Antonina.

Source: Portos & Mercado

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.portosmercados.com.br/tcp-anuncia-fase-final-de-expansao-do-calado-operacional-2/


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