Brazil’s TCP terminal breaks two productivity records on single vessel
Oct, 25, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202243
On October 20, the Paranagua Container Terminal (TCP) broke the record of 202 moves per hour (MPH) on the same ship. The number surpasses the 187 MPH registered in 2017 by the company. Using seven STS cranes to move containers to the vessel, the operation started at 8 am and took almost 12 hours. In total, 4,327 TEUs were handled, with 2,366 moves on the Cap San Maleas vessel.
The shipowner set another record: 158 port moves per hour (PMPH), that is, corresponding to the moves from the movement the vessel docked until the moment of its departure. This number was the highest recorded on the east coast of South America so far this year. According to Maersk, the last record occurred in January 2022, with 152 PMPH at another port terminal.
TCP announced 370 million reais in investments, which will be applied until 2023. The firm has already signed contracts to purchase 11 new RTGs this year, and in the upcoming months, it should start expanding its entry and exit vehicle gate.
In 202, TCP had a record throughput of 1.1 million TEUs. In July of this year, the monthly performance was 111,862 TEUs handled, 3,227 more than in May 2022.
High Productivity at TCP
To drive the STS, which lifts loads up to 50 meters high and moves up to 65 tonnes, a staff of at least 200 people was necessary, which included the TCP Operations Control Centre, as well as a planning and execution team, which handled the seven cranes used in the operation.
Each team includes crane operators, cargo checkers, stevedores, handling assistants, and terminal tractor operators (trucks responsible for moving between the pier and the yard). In addition, the vessel planner and yard planner teams are responsible for planning the containers. Finally, the dispatcher’s group contributes to the logistics chain at the terminal with the help of the operations leaders.
Also present were operators of RTGs (acronym for Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane, or gantry crane on tire) and operators of small and large forklifts. All focused on one big ship: the Cap San Maleas, which is 333 meters long and 48 meters wide.
About Cap San Maleas
Maersk owns the Cap San Maleas vessel, a 2014 model with a cargo capacity of 10,589 TEUs. Loaded with various products; including automotive parts, chemicals, and packaging; the ship left Rotterdam in the Netherlands and headed to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, on Thursday (20)
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