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Brazil’s trade balance registered US$0.89 billion surplus in first week of April

Apr, 07, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202016

The Brazilian trade balance registered a surplus of US$ 0.882 billion and a trade flow of US$4.743 billion in the first week of April 2020 (which included three working days), as a result of US$2.813 billion in exports and US$1.931 billion in imports. The data was released on Monday (6/4) by the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the Economy MInistry. The cumulative total for the year to date shows exports at US$52.333 billion and imports at US$45.889 billion, with a trade surplus of US$6.444 billion and a trade flow of US$98.222 billion.

Monthly Analysis 

On the export side, there was a 2.1% increase in the daily average for the first week of April 2020 (US$937.54 million) compared with that of April 2019.  This was due to an increase in sales in Agriculture (+ 67.1%). On the other hand, sales fell in the extractive industry (-14.3%) and in manufacturing (-14.7%).

The increase in exports was driven mainly by growth in the following agricultural products: soy (+ 80.2%); unroasted coffee (+ 37.5%); live animals (not including fish or crustaceans) (+ 38.4%); spices (+ 96.0%) and raw tobacco (+ 119.4%).

On the import side, the daily average in the first week of April 2020 was 0.8% below the same time last year at US$643.55 million. This was mainly due to lower spending by the agriculture and livestock sector (-31.1%) and extractive Industry (-3.4%). On the manufacturing side, there was a slight increase in imports (0.5%).

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