Ports and Terminals

Buenos Aires handled 60.5% of Paraguay’s containers, Q1 2019

May, 17, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201921

According to the Center for Fluvial and Maritime Shipping Lines of Paraguay (CAFyM), the Port of Buenos Aires handled 60.5% of Paraguayan containers (23,000) in the first quarter of 2019, while Montevideo Port handled 39.5% (15,000).

DatamarNews reported that the Buenos Aires port authority reduced transshipment charges from US$1,000 to US$100 in a bid to attract Paraguayan clients using the Paraguay-Parana River. With this Montevideo is facing increasingly steep competition from neighboring Buenos Aires which is progressing with plans to renew port infrastructure. According to the vice president of CAFyM, Paraguay is showing a preference for the Argentine port due to the availability of more vessels call options.

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