
The Buenos Aires stock exchange reduces its soybean harvest forecast

Feb, 04, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202205

According to the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Argentina’s soybean planting is complete for the season, up 0.3 percent from last week. However, the crop area reserved in the country is 6.3 million hectares, the smallest in 15 years. As a result, the new production estimate has dropped from 44 million tons to 42 million tons.

The water deficit area was stable at 36% last week compared to 13% last year. Currently, 18% of crops are in a regular-to-bad situation compared to 9% in 2020/21.

For example, in Tucumán, Argentina, the area planted with soybeans exceeded 360,000 hectares, a slight decrease from the previous season. However, according to the Córdoba Cereal Exchange, the province of Tucumán saw an increase in crop area compared to the 2019/20 harvest.

Thus, both the yield of 33.4 quintals per hectare (qq/ha) and the production of more than one million tons represented an increase of 33% and 24%, respectively, compared to the previous harvest. More than half of the sector’s total output came from the province of Tucumán, which produced more than 600,000 tons with a yield of 35.1 qq/ha.

Source: Canal Rural

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