Ports and Terminals

Bulk carrier stranded in the Port of São Francisco do Sul

Mar, 04, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202011

In the early morning hours of March 4th, 2020, the bulk carrier Aeolian Grace (Cyprus flag) which had discharged its cargo at the port of São Francisco do Sul, in Santa Catarina at 12:37 am, and loaded 65,804 tons bound for Singapore, ran aground on Laje da Barata, in the Babitonga Bay.

According to the official note released by the Port of São Francisco do Sul, at the time of the accident, the sea, wind and draft conditions were within the appropriate operational parameters for seaworthiness established by the maritime authority.

The note also stated that the Port and Pilotage technical team assessed the damage caused to the ship and do not rule out the possibility of the suspending port operations due to obstruction of the access channel.

According to the note, no oil leak was identified and emergency services are on standby waiting to act preventively.

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