Bulk Carrier That Struck Rio-Niterói Bridge Departs for Turkey After Two Years
Oct, 17, 2024 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202440
The bulk carrier São Luiz departed from the Port of Rio de Janeiro on Sunday morning (13) after nearly two years anchored in Guanabara Bay. The operation, which took about four and a half hours, began at 7 a.m. and ended at 11:30 a.m. when the vessel crossed the port’s boundary. Four tugboats and specialized teams coordinated by PortosRio and pilotage association Praticagem-RJ ensured the maneuver’s success. In 2022, strong winds caused the ship to drift, resulting in a collision with one of the structures of the Rio-Niterói Bridge.
The departure of the São Luiz marks the end of a lengthy legal process that kept the vessel docked since the 2022 incident. Recently purchased at auction by Turkish shipowner Rota Shipping, the ship underwent extensive preparations to ensure a safe departure, minimizing risks to maritime traffic and the environment in Guanabara Bay.
Escorted by ocean-going tugboats, the São Luiz is now en route to Turkey. PortosRio hailed the operation as a success.
Ship Graveyard
The São Luiz is not an isolated case in Guanabara Bay, where over 50 vessels remain abandoned, many in such poor condition that they are beyond salvage—like the Lintacosul and Bordine, both near the mouth of the Cunha Channel.
Last year, five vessels were removed from Guanabara Bay, including a boat that had been adrift for over a decade. A report from the Navy’s Port Captaincy identified 51 abandoned vessels and hulls in the area. These derelict ships pose a hazard to navigation and hinder local fishing activities.
Source: O Globo
Original article: https://oglobo.globo.com/rio/noticia/2024/10/14/navio-sao-luiz-deixa-o-porto-do-rio-de-janeiro-apos-dois-anos-atracado.ghtml
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