
Cabotage shippers offer to transport essential goods for free to help during pandemic

Mar, 23, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202013

ABAC – Brazilian Association of Cabotage Shipowners  – reported that as a way of supporting society during the coronavirus pandemic, companies affiliated with the entity and involved in container transportation would transport essential goods (as defined by the Federal Government) for free.

According to the statement issued by ABAC, “multimodal operations are understood as the multimodal transport of a container (20 ‘or 40’) door-to-door on routes regularly served by participating member companies, limited to a radius of 150km relative to the ports served, according to the operational, fiscal / tax, programming and security criteria and procedures of the participating companies ”.

Special attention will be given to operations involving companies that do not regularly use cabotage services, requiring a prior assessment and detailing of the operational model on a case-by-case basis. According to the organization, up to 15 multimodal operations will be offered per week. Multimodal operations will be available until April 20, 2020, subject to alteration at the discretion of participating member companies.

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