Exportações brasileiras de carne suína / pork industry in 2022

Canada grants first set of pork export licenses to plants in Brazil

Jun, 15, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202224

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, Canada has issued the first three pork export licenses for meatpacking plants in Brazil.

Two of the units contemplated by Canada are owned by Seara Alimentos and located in São Miguel do Oeste and Itapiranga. The remaining one is under the control of Cooperative Central Aurora in Chapecó, also in the state of Santa Catarina.

The Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) celebrated the initiative.

The accreditation of these first plants comes at a critical time for the productive industry, considering the challenges posed by rising production costs and the need to enhance worldwide pork sales. This is the outcome of the Ministry of Agriculture’s tremendous work. We expect more plants to be authorized to export soon,” said Ricardo Santin, the entity’s president.

Despite being the third-largest pork exporter in the world (the country exported 1.5 million tonnes in 2021), Canada is also a major buyer in the international market. On average, the country imports 250 thousand tonnes a year.

With these new qualifications, we should soon be shipping products to this high value-added market, which demands premium products, especially belly and ribs. We will focus on filling unmet gaps in complementarity with local production,” completes Luis Rua, ABPA’s director of markets.

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