beef exports / exportações carne bovina

Canada suspends meat exports to China

Jun, 26, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201927

Canada suspends meat exports to China

According to Valor, Canada suspended all meat exports to China last Tuesday (06/26). Through an investigation, China discovered the existence of forged certificates in some consignments of Canadian pork.

Meat trading between the two countries is valued at roughly US$0.5bn a year. Recently, China banned imports of Canadian canola seeds, restricted imports of pork products from certain slaughterhouses, and arrested two Canadian citizens for reasons of national security.

According to a statement on the website of the Chinese embassy in Canada, China-based investigations identified “obvious safety gaps” in Canadian exported meat inspections. The investigation was initiated after Chinese customs agents found traces of a feed additive called ractopamine, which is banned in China, in a Canadian frozen pork shipment.

The Chinese embassy said the investigation found that the veterinary certificate attached to the frozen pork was fake, and that the Canadian investigators found other forged certificates.

The Chinese embassy in Canada stated that “in order to protect the safety of Chinese consumers, China has taken urgent preventive measures and has asked the Canadian government to suspend the issuing of certificates for meat exported to China.”

The Board of Pork in Canada said that this preventive measure was not taken “because of worry about food safety, but because of the misuse of the country’s reputation as a safe supplier of quality products.” Groups interested in the meat industry are in contact with Canadian authorities, discussing their next steps.

The tables below use data from Statics Canada to show pork exports from Canada (amounts in thousands of US dollars):

Destination 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
China 114.070 121.692 341.341 315.065 295.442
Others 2.702.279 2.120.987 2.057.937 2.237.658 2.130.432
All countries 2.816.348 2.242.679 2.399.278 2.552.723 2.425.874


Top 10 exports of Canadian pork (amounts in thousands of US dollars)

País January-April 2018 January – April 2019 % of change 2019/2018
Japan 281.204 289.981 3,1%
United States 263.789 210.630 -20,2%
China 103.762 180.254 73,7%
Mexico 33.569 39.845 18,7%
South Korea 40.070 38.811 -3,1%
Taiwan 20.593 17.716 -14%
Philippines 23.331 13.836 -40,7%
Australia 12.367 8.694 -29,7%
New Zealand 6.347 5.994 -5,6%
Chile 5.384 4.754 -11,7%
Sub-Total 790.417 810.513 2,5%
Others 22.364 16.799 -24,9%
Total of all countries 812.780 827.313 1,8%


Source: Valor/Dow Jones Newswires

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