Ports and Terminals

Cargo handling at Suape grew 7% between Jan-Sept YoY

Nov, 09, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202046

On November 7, the Suape Port Industrial Complex completed its 42nd year, just as it reaches its highest handling level and is attracting new business. Data from the National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ) shows that Suape port handling grew 7% between January-September 2020 year-on-year. There were 18,743,032 tons handled, the highest volume of cargo ever handled in the port’s history, and in the middle of a pandemic.

In the national scenario, the Port of Suape leads cabotage handling, with 12,412,046 tons handled between January and September, 10.5% more than in the same period last year. It also maintains leadership in the movement of liquid bulk in the country, with an increase of 8.5% by September, totaling 14,032,515 tons. In the Northeast, the port is a leader in the loading and unloading of containers and vehicles.

Among new companies installed and expansions, R$ 696.5 million in private investments are being allocated. In addition to the Aché Laboratory, which inaugurated its first stage and continues its works (an investment of R$ 660 million with the generation of 3 thousand jobs), Ziralong, a container storage and transport company, arrived at the complex investing R$ 15.5 million and generating  95 direct and 120 indirect jobs. SIW Kits Eólicas, an LM Wind Power system, has invested R$ 10 million and has generated 40 direct jobs. The expansion of Plastamp’s plastic packaging plant for drinks, food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals will invest R$ 11 million. Among the investments planned for new terminals is the installation of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal by Golar Power, with an investment of R$ 1.8 billion planned for the first quarter of 2021.

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