Ports and Terminals

Port of Suape registers biggest January ever

Mar, 05, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202011

The Port of Suape registered the biggest January since it was founded. Throughput reached 2,397,838 tons, 45% higher than January last year and 31% higher than January 2017, which until now held the record for the biggest January with 1,819,028 tons. February should see a similar record being broken. Number for the month have not yet been confirmed, but a 60% approximate increase is expected in comparison with February 2019.

The increase is due to the increase in liquid bulk cargoes, the main type of cargo handled at the port. In January this year a total of 1,879,021 tons were moved, 754,000 more than in January last year, a 67% increase. The big driver is the Abreu e Lima Refinery (Rnest), which in January alone received 759,000 tons of crude oil – 60% more than the same month last year.

Leonardo Cerquinho, president of the Port of Suape said, “our prospects are even better in the medium and long term. We believe that liquid bulk cargoes will continue to grow with the sale of the Abreu e Lima Refinery and the completion of its park. We have a dry bulk terminal in transition, which must be tendered until the end of the year, a second container terminal to tender and good prospects, too, with the energy auction and gas transport. Not to mention the new companies setting up in Pernambuco which will want to use the port. ”

Container throughput also registered growth in January, both in TEUs and in gross weight, up 15% and 16%, respectively. Over 470,000 tons of goods were moved, which is equivalent to more than 40,000 TEU. Dry bulk and general cargo volumes fell 69% and 31% respectively.

The Port of Suape performed very well in both exports and imports. Cargo shipped to ports in other countries grew 248%, jumping from 87,000 tons in January 2019, to more than 304,000 tons this year, reflecting the increase in liquid bulk (fuels, petroleum oil, etc.). Imports totaled 617,000 tons, a 73% increase on the 355,000 tons moved in January last year.

Cabotage movements grew 22% and reached 1,476,249 tons. The number of calls has also increased, from 107 in January 2019 to 115 ships in the first month of this year.

January 2020 throughput by cargo nature
Liquid bulk: 1,879,021 tons
Containers: 470,800 tons (= 40,302 TEUs)
Dry bulk: 27,500 tons
General Cargo: 20,518 tons
TOTAL: 2,397,838 tons

The following graph, made with DataLiner data, shows the cabotage and deep-sea movement through the Port of Suape from 2009:

Chart source: DataLiner / Datamar

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