Ports and Terminals

Cargo Throughput Surges by 27% at Brazil’s Vitória Port

Apr, 12, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202416

The port of Vitória, under Vports’ concession, witnessed a remarkable surge in cargo throughput during the first quarter, surpassing expectations with a 27% increase in volume. A staggering 386 thousand additional tons of cargo were handled, setting a new record for the port terminal, which clocked in an overall volume of 1.8 million tons over the three months.

March, in particular, stood out as a record-breaking month, with a total cargo movement of 792 thousand tons, surpassing all previous records for the same period. Noteworthy among these figures is the significant uptick in vehicle shipments: from 14 thousand vehicles in the first quarter of last year to a remarkable 43 thousand this year, marking a staggering 273% increase. General cargo also experienced a substantial surge, up by 61% compared to the previous two quarters, totaling 162 thousand tons handled this year.

Pedro Benevides, the commercial director of Vports, attributes these record volumes and growth to the concerted efforts focused on enhancing port dynamism, speed, and infrastructure.

“Espírito Santo boasts a natural port inclination, yet there existed a palpable necessity to modernize infrastructure and foster more agile, personalized commercial relationships. This enables us to effectively cater to customer demands. That’s been our focal point,” he emphasizes.

April has commenced with yet another milestone: a groundbreaking record for solid bulk landings on a single vessel. “We handled 52 thousand tons of limestone in solid bulk, a quantity unprecedented in the port’s history,” Benevides proudly announced.

Source: ES Hoje 

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