Ports and Terminals

CDRJ releases 3-year business plan

Apr, 05, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202114

The new Business Plan for the 2021-2023 triennium for the Ports of Rio de Janeiro, Itaguaí, Niterói and Angra dos Reis has just been released by Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ).  It details the forecast of new leases and assignments, a divestment plan for non-operating assets, the main commercial strategies, socio-environmental development activity improvements, and the updating of port operation technologies and processes. In addition, the document provides forecasts of investments and revenues from 2021 to 2023.

To achieve a planned and organized growth of the company, the Business Plan also foresees investments of R$ 2.1 billion for activities related to port administration, current leases, and new leases. The estimated total revenue of R$ 742 million for the year 2021 is based on the expected trend with the current leasing contracts, plus foreseen increments with the new way of charging waterway tariffs, new leases, and onerous assignments, in addition to moving forward with the Divestment Plan for non-operating assets.

According to the Director of Business and Sustainability, Jean Paulo Castro e Silva, “one of the main challenges of the company is to seek funding so it can invest in infrastructure, enhance port operations in the ports under its administration, and sign new contracts at the Ports of Rio de Janeiro and Itaguaí.”

More details on the Business Plan for the 2021-2023 triennium, including strategies, actions, and investment and revenue forecasts are available on the CDRJ website and at this link

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