Chile Greenlights Argentine Poultry Meat Exports
Jun, 04, 2024 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202424
The Chilean Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) has officially recognized Argentina as free from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) following a health audit conducted by Chilean inspectors between April 15 and 19. Prior to the outbreak, the Chilean market accounted for 11% of Argentine poultry exports.
The report from the Bioeconomy Secretariat, led by Fernando Vilella, was instrumental in lifting restrictions on imports of Argentine poultry, poultry products, and eggs. Based on the SAG audit, the Livestock Protection Division confirmed Argentina’s HPAI-free status, removing the ban on poultry imports from Argentina to Chile.
While Chile has reopened its market, China has maintained its ban on Argentine poultry exports despite the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) declaring Argentina bird flu-free in August 2023. China is a crucial market for Argentina, representing 38% of its poultry exports, equivalent to 262,000 tons and $480 million, according to industry data.
Although some countries resumed imports following the OIE declaration, others, including Chile and China, opted for on-site audits of factories and the National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality (Senasa) facilities to ensure sanitary standards. Chile completed its audits in April, and China followed in May, though results from China are still pending.
Path to Market Recovery
The OIE’s validation and publication of Argentina’s HPAI-free status aimed to restore confidence in the country’s poultry exports. Mid-last year, Senasa submitted a comprehensive report to the WOAH detailing health measures taken since the outbreak began, reaffirming Argentina’s disease-free status.
Avian influenza type A, a notifiable contagious disease affecting various bird species, was first detected in Argentina in a wild bird in Jujuy. In response, President Alberto Fernández’s administration declared a health emergency.
The reopening of international markets marks a significant milestone in the economic recovery of Argentina’s poultry sector, bolstering exports and reinforcing global trust in Argentine products.
Source: La Nación
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