Chile required to follow new norms in exporting apples to Brazil as of 2021

Aug, 20, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202034

According to the Secretariat for Agricultural Defense of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), as of January 1, 2021, fresh apples imported from Chile will have to comply with phytosanitary requirements and include treatment against the Cydia Pomonella pest. Normative Instruction 82, which deals with the subject, was published on August 19, in the Federal Official Gazette.

The standard updates the phytosanitary criteria and provides for the possibility of treating fruit cargo with methyl bromide at the source (before shipment).  With the new instruction, Chile may also adopt a Risk Mitigation System (SMR) as a phytosanitary measure, which involves integrated actions applied in production, processing and certification, to minimize the risk of sending contaminated products to Brazil. This SMR will be audited and recognized by the Brazilian authorities.  Cydia pomonella is a pest that has been eradicated in Brazil and under official control in the country.  Chile and Argentina are the largest apple exporters to Brazil, with Chile exporting, on average, 20,000 tonnes of the fruit per year.


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