Ports and Terminals

Chilean public ports movements grow 0.12% in the first semester

Aug, 08, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201933

Chilean public ports movements only grew by 0.12% during the first semester of 2019.

According to the Public Company System (SEP), the ten port complexes distributed between Arica and Punta Arenas handled a total of 24.37m tons.

The report of chilean ports movements shows that containerized cargo handling increased from 16.81m tons to 16.95m tons. Bulk cargo volume also increased from 4.57m tons in the first six months of 2018 to 4.62m tons in 2019.

The volume of fractional general cargo, in turn, fell from 2.96m tons to 2.79m tons this year.

Regarding ports, the main one was the San Antonio port complex, with a total of 11.40m tons handled and a growth of 17.21%. In second place is the Port of Valparaiso, with a fall of -17.99% and handling of 4.96m tons.

A similar fall was experienced by the ports of Talcahuano, the state port on which the ports of San Vicente and Talcahuano depend on. These ports had a decrease of -17.69% and a flow of 2.62m tons in 2019.

The decline, according to SEP statistics, stems from the results from the Port of São Vicente, operated by the SVTI concessionaire, which moved from 2.96m tons between January and June 2018 to 2.38m in the first six months of this year. By contrast, Talcahuano Port Terminal increased by 237,847 tons, surpassing 219,674 last year, to the same date.

Source: Portal Portuário

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