Chicken for sale in cages of São Paulo - Import tariffs exemptions

China approves sanitary certificates from Brazil’s veterinarians

Mar, 07, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201911

Upon receiving requests from the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, the Chinese health authorities approved a new format of accreditation to import meat from Brazil. Under the new structure, selected veterinarians can now issue an International Sanitary Certificate (CSI). Previously, only federal agricultural tax auditors were authorized to sign the document for specific establishments.

According to the Secretariat of Commerce and International Relations, the decision should reduce greatly the number of Brazilian shipments being witheld in Chinese ports due to signature identification problems. The change applies to all forms of beef, pork, and poultry exports to China. Brazil earned US$2.593bn in export revenues from meat exports to China in 2018. The following graph shows Brazil’s chicken export trends in TEU to China in the last ten years against US$ FOB, based on DataLiner and Secex data:

Note: The graph above is based on Secex maritime data which has suffered distortions for 2018. Brazil’s SECEX foreign trade data system, usually classifies export and import data by transport type (Maritime/Rail/Air etc), however it has been impacted by the implementation of the new foreign trade system being utilized by the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade, and Services (MDIC).

DatamarNews reported, China spared 14 Brazilian chicken companies from anti-dumping duties following months-long negotiations between the two countries.

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