
China pork production at lowest level in 16 years following swine fever

Jan, 19, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202004

In 2019, China’s pork production fell to a 16-year low, according to official data released by the country on January 17, following the swine fever that wiped out millions of pigs in the country.

The world’s largest pork consumer, China produced 42.55 million tonnes of meat last year, down 21.3% from 2018, and the lowest production since 2003, according to data from the National Statistics Agency.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs reported that China’s pig herd fell 41% in October compared to the previous year, but increased by 2% in November. These data did not provide a total herd size.

Market opening for Russia

On January 17, China also opened its market to Russian beef and certified two producers in the country for exports: Bryansk, part of the privately held group Miratorg, and also the privately held company Zarechnoe.

Russia remains in talks with China about pork exports.

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