
China wants Brazilian corn ‘right away,’ says Agriculture Minister

Jul, 26, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202230

China wants to import Brazilian corn “right away,” according to Agriculture Minister Marcos Montes.

“Initial talks provided for the export of corn from the 2022/23 harvest and beyond. We are discussing with China to see if we can still export yields from the current harvest (2021/22-second crop). It would be possible for us to readjust the protocol and send corn from the current season due to the large production we had. They (the Chinese) want it right away,” said Montes on Monday, July 25, during a press conference at the Global Agribusiness Forum (GAF) 2022. The second corn crop, 2021/22, is being harvested in Brazil.

According to the minister, his technical team spoke with the Chinese about implementing the protocol and possible anticipation of shipments for the current season. He assured that “nothing is missing” for the phytosanitary protocol, but the agreement leaves room for interpretation. “We are still tweaking the protocol implementation with China,” he reported.

Montes highlighted that, in addition to corn, the protocol involves the export of peanuts and concentrated soy protein from Brazil to China. “The protocol with China was a great step forward. I think producers are pleased,” he commented.

The conclusion of the negotiations on the phytosanitary protocol for the export of Brazilian corn to the Chinese market was announced on May 23, by representatives of the two countries, during the bilateral meeting at the 6th Plenary Session of the Sino-Brazilian High-Level Commission for Dialogue and Cooperation (Cosban).

Source: Money Times

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