
China’s imports of Brazilian products surge to USD 89.4 bn in just 20 years

Jun, 22, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202324

No country increased imports of Brazilian products as much as China between 2002 and 2022. Twenty years ago, Chinese imports totaled US$ 2.5 billion, making the Asian country the fourth main destination for goods shipped abroad by Brazilian companies, behind the United States, the Netherlands, and Germany.

In 2022, Chinese purchases jumped to US$ 89.4 billion, more than 34 times the total imported 20 years ago. The Chinese turnaround took place in 2009 when the country overtook the United States and became Brazil’s largest trading partner.

In 2002, China occupied fourth place in the ranking of main importers of Brazilian products. Ten years later, Brazilian sales to China generated a significant surplus, totaling US$ 41.23 billion. During this period, Brazilian exports to the United States grew at a much slower pace and totaled US$ 37.4 billion.

In 2002, the top 10 main markets for Brazilian products were as follows:

  1. United States (US$ 15.3 billion)
  2. Netherlands (US$ 3.1 billion)
  3. Germany (US$ 2.5 billion)
  4. China (US$ 2.5 billion)
  5. Mexico (US$ 2.3 billion)
  6. Argentina (US$ 2.3 billion)
  7. Japan (US$ 2.1 billion)
  8. Belgium (US$ 1.9 billion)
  9. Italy (US$ 1.8 billion)
  10. United Kingdom (US$ 1.8 billion)

Ten years later, the ranking now has the following composition:

  1. China (US$ 41.2 billion)
  2. United States (US$ 22.6 billion)
  3. Argentina (US$ 18 billion)
  4. Netherlands (US$ 13.4 billion)
  5. Japan (US$ 8.0 billion)
  6. Germany (US$ 7.3 billion)
  7. India (US$ 5.6 billion)
  8. Venezuela (US$ 5.0 billion)
  9. Chile (US$ 4.6 billion)
  10. United Kingdom (US$ 4.6 billion)

See below Brazil’s export volume of soybeans to China from Jan 2019 to Apr 2023. The data below was obtained with the aid of Datamar’s maritime intelligence service DataLiner.

Brazilian soy exports to China | Jan 2019 – Apr 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The chart below uses DataLiner data to show Brazil’s beef exports in containers to China between Jan 2019 and Apr 2023.

Beef exports to China | Jan 2019 – Apr 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

In 2022, China significantly increased the distance from the second place on this list, the United States, and continued to lead the list of countries that import the most from Brazil, with a total of US$ 89.4 billion. The following rankings were as follows: 2) United States (US$ 37.4 billion); 3) Argentina (US$ 15.3 billion); 4) Netherlands (US$ 11.9 billion); 5) Spain (US$9.7 billion); 6) Chile (US$9.1 billion); 7) Singapore (US$ 8.4 billion); 8) Mexico (US$7.1 billion); 9) Japan (US$ 6.6 billion); and 10) India (US$ 6.3 billion).

Source: Comex do Brasil

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