rise in container prices

Chinese foreign trade breaks record

Dec, 08, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202147

China’s exports and imports grew faster and set new records in November, reflecting higher year-end external demand and the recovery in production from the energy crisis.

Exports increased 22% this year to nearly $326 billion, while imports grew nearly 32%, to $254 billion, according to official data released on December 7th.  Exports to the US increased 5.3% this year despite the Trump government tariffs remaining in effect. China’s imports from the US increased 22%, yet China posted a $37 billion surplus.

See photo of a container port terminal in Nantong, China’s Jiangsu province.

Source: Valor Econômico

To read the full original article, access the link: https://valor.globo.com/mundo/noticia/2021/12/08/comercio-exterior-chines-bate-recorde.ghtml

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