Trade Regulations

CNI and IndustriALL-Brasil ask the government to suspend the proposal to reduce the Mercosur Common External Tariff

Jun, 25, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202126

The CNI (national industry confederation) and IndustriALL-Brasil (which brings together industry workers unions) released an official statement on June 24 asking that at the next meeting of Mercosur ministers, Brazilian representatives withdraw the proposal to reduce the common external tariff charged within the bloc on trade with other countries. The meeting is scheduled for July. The two institutions also defend flexible negotiations of trade agreements underway with third countries, such as South Korea.

In the perception of CNI and IndustriALL Brasil, “reducing tariffs unilaterally now would reinforce an already-existing competition imbalance due to Brazil’s chronic and unresolved competitiveness problems.” They also emphasized that “individual trade negotiations weaken the bloc and its bargaining power in negotiations and open markets for partners with unfair practices; these represent a real threat to production and employment in the country.”

Source: Comex do Brasil

To read the full original article, visit the link:

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