
CNI demands government action to reduce shipping costs

Aug, 18, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202133

An agenda with 11 proposals to reorganize international maritime transport and reduce costs related to operations was sent by the National Confederation of Industries (CNI) to members of the federal government on Monday, August 18. The document, conceived as a response to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, was formulated by the CNI based on meetings organized in July with representatives from different segments of the Brazilian industrial sector. Another 33 companies and sector entities subscribe to the proposals.

Among the measures are the standardization of fees charged by port terminals, prioritization of the transfer schedule to the private sector of public port administrations, and the approval of the bill known as BR do Mar, aimed at establishing the Cabotage Transport Stimulation Program.

According to CNI,  the implementation of the proposals is necessary because of the “congestion in the ports, lack of containers and excessively high freight values”. 128 representatives of the sector were interviewed to formulate the document, 70% of which said they had suffered from the lack of containers or ships and 96% reported an increase in the value of import freight. Another 76% pointed to an increase in export values.

Source: Metropolis

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