Porto de Ilheus
Ports and Terminals

Codeba announces investment for Port of Aratu and study for explorations at Port of Ilhéus

Oct, 17, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201943

The Bahia State Dock Company (CODEBA) welcomed directors and the general coordinator of port leasing modeling from the Ministry of Infrastructure, private investors, and lessees to discuss improvements at the Port of Aratu and new exploration possibilities at Port of Ilhéus.

The main point of the agenda was the confirmation of the interest of private actors in investing in the Port of Ilhéus.

There is pent-up demand that can be met by the Port of Ilhéus, and this shows that Ilhéus has vast potential that can be explored. One of the goals of the agenda is the search for better use and, therefore, the expansion of the Terminal’s capacity to attract new companies. “For this, an EVTEA (Economic and Environmental Technical Feasibility Study) will be prepared, which will be monitored by the Ministry and thus define the best investments to be placed in the Port of Ilhéus, which loads. Only then will we have an investment value for Ilhéus,” said the director of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Fábio Lavor Teixeira.

According to Disney Barroca Neto, general coordinator of port leasing modeling at the Ministry of Infrastructure, the fact that the Port of Ilhéus does not have any existing lease agreement allows the construction of a new history. “The Port of Ilhéus is very good precisely because it is a free port, that is, it is much easier to identify a custom financial modeling. Let’s model the need for the Port of Ilhéus, respecting the seasonality of products and usually leases get stuck because sometimes it is conditioned to move only one type of product. Most likely it will not be the case with Ilhéus, which will operate the way it is. It is a lease for a multi-use terminal comprising miscellaneous products.”

In the agenda discussed for the Port of Aratu, the Investment Plan of Tecmar’s lease which was extended for another 20 years, provides for investments in the order of R$309m. A project to build a new pier was presented, which will enable to operate all types of liquid fuels and chemicals, as well as the construction of new storage areas. “This will dramatically decrease demurrage, which is the surcharge paid to the ship’s owner for not being able to dock in the berth for lack of space. We had reports of ships waiting 13 days to dock. This drives up the cost and directly interferes with logistics,” explained the director of the Contract Management Department at the Ministry of Infrastructure Flávia Morais Takafashi.

Director Takafashi added other advantages of the Investment Plan presented by Tecmar. “Expansion of the area for the construction of a tanking park, road platform, administrative building, parking for tanker trucks, new fire fighting system, construction of galleries, among others.”

According to CODEBA President Alex Sandro De Ávila, the joint agenda made with the Ministry is extremely positive and important, and the issues discussed have already entered the agenda of the Company’s board of directors. “We will always support initiatives aimed at new investments, increased cargo movement, and attracting new entrepreneurs to invest in the ports of Bahia. In addition, the presence of the directors and leasing modeling coordinator of the Ministry of Infrastructure at CODEBA to participate in this active agenda demonstrates that the management actions of CODEBA’s board of directors are in line with Federal Government guidelines.”

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