Ports and Terminals

CODEBA signs dredging contract at the Port of Ilhéus

Jul, 12, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202128

Last week, CODEBA signed a contract with DTA Engenharia Portuária e Ambiental LTDA to execute maintenance dredging at the public port of Ilhéus, in the south of Bahia.

The work will restore the port’s original depth of 10 meters, allowing the port to resume operations 60,000-ton ships. This will set new perspectives for port logistics in the region and benefit the movement of cruise ships visiting the Cocoa Coast.

“The operation aims to restore the depth of the port. It is a short-term management measure, but with a great impact on the regional economy, allowing the Port of Ilhéus to fully exercise its capacity; this is essential for the economy and development of the State of Bahia”, explains the CEO of CODEBA, Carlos Autran Amaral.

The estimated period to execute the work is about four months.

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