Codesp authorizes 15 proponents to donate studies for navigation channel concession
Jul, 26, 2019 Posted by Sylvia SchandertWeek 201931
The Santos Port Authority has authorized the donation of studies by 15 proponents to subsidize the bidding process for the eventual concession of the Port of Santos navigation channel. The authorization was published in this Friday’s edition (07/26) of the Official Gazette (DOU) and is the result of the public call made by the Port Authority on June 11.
Fourteen companies and one individual were authorized to submit projects, surveys, investigations, and technical studies. They are: Argonáutica Engenharia e Pesquisas Ltda; Atlântico Sul Consultoria e Projetos S/S Ltda; Boskalis do Brasil Dragagem e Serviços Marítimos Ltda; Cláudio Macedo Dreer; CPEA – Consultoria, Planejamento e Estudos Ambientais Ltda; Dragabras Serviços de Dragagem Ltda; DTA Engenharia Ltda; Future ATP Serviços de Engenharia Consultiva Ltda; Jan De Nul do Brasil Dragagem Ltda; Leonardo S.p.A; Navarro Prado Advogados; Queiroz Galvão Tecnologia em Defesa & Segurança S/A; Terrafirma Consultoria Empresarial e de Projetos Ltda; Tetra Tech Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda; and Veirano Advogados.
The Port Authority granted the company Concremat Engenharia e Tecnologia S/A, 16th, up to 5 business days to regularize its documentation so that it can obtain authorization.
“The varied profile of stakeholders, ranging from large engineering groups to dredging companies, consulting and law firms, demonstrates the market’s strong interest in this concession. We are sure that by working in partnership with the market since the beginning of the project, the auction will attract major players and the Port of Santos will quickly increase the efficiency of its main asset,” says Casemiro Tércio Carvalho, President of the Santos Port Authority. .
The donation of studies has no burdens, charges, or conditions to the Port Authority or any member of the public administration and is not binding. Studies should be submitted within 100 days from today.
Libra Terminal’s Inoperant Equipment Auction
Codesp (Dock Company of the State of São Paulo) will auction two coLibra Terminal’sntainer cranes that are inoperative at Terminal 37, occupied by the Libra Group in the Port of Santos. They will be disassembled and subsequently sold as scrap.
The port authority will still decide the date for the execution of these processes. The disposal of the assets was authorized by the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) and published in the Federal Official Gazette on Tuesday (07/24).
Libra Terminals continues to occupy the area, located near Ponta da Praia, but without permission to perform operations. The Libra Group has a debt of around R$2.7bn, related to exploration fees from the container port at the Port of Santos that were not fully paid.
This month, the Ministry of Infrastructure announced that it prepares the lease of the port company facilities in the Santos pier.
With information from A Tribuna
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