Ports and Terminals

Codesp begins studies project for navigation channel concession

Aug, 15, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201934

Last Wednesday (08/14), the board of the Santos Port Authority (Codesp) received representatives of the 16 proponents authorized to donate studies to subsidize the preparation of the notice for eventual concession of the navigation channel of the Port of Santos. The meeting served to initiate the project and promote exchange of information in order to clarify any doubts.

Applicants have 100 days from July 26 – the date on which the Company authorized the donation of studies – to deliver the documents. The donation of studies has no burdens, charges, or conditions to the Port Authority or any member of the public administration and is nonbinding.

The modeling of the eventual concession will take into account the management of the asset as a whole. “If impediments eventually arise in the process we will discuss and build a solution together,” said the Director-President of the Port Authority, Casemiro Tércio Carvalho.

According to the executive, there will be Service Level Agreements (SLA) between the channel concessionaire and the Port Authority by type of service provided and a global SLA.

With this measure, the Port Authority seeks to maximize the efficiency of Port of Santos’ main asset and to ensure a continuous service level. Today, there are cases of terminals that lose up to 4 hours per day of operating time due to system inefficiencies.

“I am very pleased by the number and quality of participants. Expectations are as high as possible. Given that the Port of Santos is at an embryonic moment for its privatization, this is an excellent opportunity for interested parties to express their views on any contribution in this regard as well,” said Danilo Veras, Director of Business Development and Regulation.

Authorization was given to 15 companies and one individual to present projects, surveys, investigations, and technical studies. They are: Argonáutica Engenharia e Pesquisa Ltda; Atlântico Sul Consultoria e Projetos S/S Ltda; Boskalis do Brasil Dragagem e Serviços Marítimos Ltda; Claudio Macedo Dreer; CPEA – Consultoria, Planejamento e Estudos Ambientais Ltda; Dragabras Serviços de Dragagem Ltda; DTA Engenharia Ltda; Future ATP Serviços de Engenharia Consultiva Ltda; Jan De Nul from Brasil Dragagem Ltda; Leonardo S.p.A; Navarro Prado Advogados; Queiroz Galvão Tecnologia em Defesa & Segurança S/A; Terrafirma Consultoria Empresarial e de Projetos Ltda; Tetra Tech Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda; Veirano Advogados; and Concremat.

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