Ports and Terminals

Codesp is not obliged to pay IPTU tax for the Port of Santos

May, 24, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201922

Federal Supreme Court (STF) Minister, Luiz Fux, has revoked the decision of the São Paulo State Court of Justice (TJ-SP), which ordered Santos Port Authority, Codesp, to pay the Port of Santos’s Property and Urban Territorial Tax (IPTU).

According to the minister, the state company has the right to tax immunity because the port is considered a public service.

The City of Santos had demanded the payment of the IPTU claiming that, as a legal entity under private law, Codesp should pay the tax.

“Codesp is linked to the Federal Government and to the Secretary of Ports of the Presidency of the Republic; they are responsible for the management of the properties that serve port activities in the municipalities of Santos and Guarujá, being responsible for all the administration of the port complex”, affirmed the minister of the STF.

Tariff Restructuring for CAP

Santos Port Authority intends to send the proposal for tariff restructuring, within a period of two months, to the Port Authority Council (CAP), giving time to consider the recently published rules of the National Agency for Waterway Transportation (Antaq).

The new Antaq payment strategy establishes, for example, that payment for the use of the navigation channel is per gross tonnage of vessels – today it is by the amount of cargo transported on the vessel. “In some cases, the tariff will increase, in others, it will fall,” said the Port Authority’s director, Casemiro Tércio Carvalho.

The executive also said that all indirect costs will be allocated by the waterway access table.

Workers on strike

Next Wednesday (29/05) Codesp workers are expected to go on strike. This is because, according to the workers union Sindaport, the port authority will not agree with the basic salary established by the unions and has offered a proposal agreement that reduces current benefits.

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