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Codesp reviews proposals for new Port of Santos access road

Feb, 18, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201908

The São Paulo State Port Authority, Codesp, is reviewing a R$3.6m bid by the Brazilian Infrastructure Engineering Company (EBEI) for a second road link between the Anchieta Highway and Avenida Engenheiro Augusto Barata, in Santos. The organ rejected the lowest offer of R$2.6m by Vento Sul Engenharia on the basis of the company’s inability to meet the Court of Auditors’ (TCU) requirements.

In addition to the road link, the project includes the remodeling of access roads to the port’s terminals, as well as an additional 360m long viaduct that will pass through land that belonged to the old state-owned railway company (RFFSA).

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